Physician Perceptions of the Ethical Considerations of Receiving Benefits from the Pharmaceutical Industry


  • Jorge Enrique Machado-Alba Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Santiago Garcia-Betancurt Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma S.A. Pereira, Colombia

Palabras clave:

Ethics, Doctor Office Visits, Conflict of Interest, Pharmaceutical Industry, Pharmacoepidemiology, Colombia



Objective: To learn physicians’ perspectives regarding the ethical considerations of receiving benefits from the pharmaceutical industry through its sales representatives.

Methods: Observational study, using phone interviews with general physicians and specialists in Colombia, conducted between June 1 and July 15, 2014. The variables considered were age, sex, specialty, time as a practicing professional, place of work, level of care, city, and ethical perceptions of visits by representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and perceptions of gifts, restaurant invitations, conferences, trips, and money offered by the representatives. A multivariate analysis was performed.

Results: A total of 172 physicians were interviewed; of these. 68.0% were male with a mean age 41±5.3 years, and they received a mean of 2.7 visits per week. A total of 90.1% of interviewees considered it ethical to receive desktop items, 91.3% to receive medical samples, 87.2% to receive invitations to conferences, 60.5% to accept money for research projects, and 55.8% to receive money to hold conferences. A total of 69.2% of the physicians believed that there tends to be a conflict of interest in the medical-pharmaceutical relationship, with statistically significant differences in physicians who work in public vs. private institutions (85.5% vs. 50.0%; p=0.002) and in general physicians vs. specialists (79.2% vs. 62.0%; p=0.04).

Discussion: The relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and physicians is composed of everyday interactions that can vary. The offer of different types of benefits is identified as a source of potential conflicts of interest that may lead to ethical dilemmas in the practice of medicine. 

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Cómo citar

Machado-Alba, J.E. y Garcia-Betancurt, S. 2019. Physician Perceptions of the Ethical Considerations of Receiving Benefits from the Pharmaceutical Industry. Medicina. 39, 4 (jul. 2019), 323–331.


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